ニュースで英会話_ Massive Data Breach from the "Panama Papers" issued on 4th-April

[Catch the Lead]:

US. Justice Department is now investigating what some are calling the biggest data leak in history, involving world leaders, and where the some of them are accused of hiding their money, in many cases in an effort to avoid taxes.


Justice Department :司法省

are accused of : 批難されている



nondescript law firm : ありふれた法律事務所

shell corporation : 経営実態のない会社

ICIJ : the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists 国際調査報道ジャーナリスト連合(非営利団体、共同通信等も加盟している。)

tax shelter : 租税回避地(= tax haven ヘイブン:安息地) ※注意:heaven 天国

play by rules : 規則に則って

rest of : 他の



It started here, just a nondescript law firm in Panama, but the secrets leaked from inside.

the law firm helped clients set up complex webs of shell corporations in tax shelter.

we have a system here that providies cover for every form of wrongding you can think of. 

what the Panama Papers project shows is that there is a parallel universe.If you have enough money or enough political power, you can almost decide to play by different rules to the rest of us.